Boy scout rule in 6 examples - the basic principle of web development
Not everyone was a scout in his youth. Most of programmers, however, have probably heard of the Boy Scout Rule in software development. But…
Sharing our knowledge on great software development and architecture.
Not everyone was a scout in his youth. Most of programmers, however, have probably heard of the Boy Scout Rule in software development. But…
In my previous blog post, I wrote about situations when an increase in user traffic could cause your website a lot of trouble. Unexpected…
Recently, I was asked to help one team struggling with site performance getting very low. The site response times increased extremely from…
While looking for inspiration to write this post, I ran into a help request on a popular PHP community forum. Some guy wrote a command that…
Judging from the experience of our partners and clients you may face scalability issues due to very different reasons, some of which are…
Do you want to attract more users for your SaaS? I am sure you do. If you are a SaaS owner, you probably track all the metrics like…
I want to present you a real story that happened in a project we took over. On this day, Sentry revealed a strange error. The short analysis…
== or ===? How many equal signs to put up so that it is correct and that nobody in the code review has a problem with it? Why is it so…
Task completion reporting may not be the most interesting part of the software development process, but when it’s done right it can be both…
PHP7.2 was signed as RC6 in 09 Nov 2017 and GA released in Nov 30th's. In Accesto we try our best to keep updated with all new features and…
In September we are celebrating the birthday of Accesto, this year we will turn 7. For me it's a double anniversary because a year ago in…
As important and critical unit tests are to our applications, functional testing of the front part should be a must part of any project too…