Solid PHP - SOLID principles in PHP
SOLID is an acronym that represents the five basic principles of object-oriented programming: Single responsibility principle (SRP) Open…
SOLID is an acronym that represents the five basic principles of object-oriented programming: Single responsibility principle (SRP) Open…
Building a website or a web app from scratch is a complex and challenging issue. It requires time, commitment, and patience, as coding is…
Software developers are not robots, even after seven years of PHP programming experience, I do sometimes make bugs in the code. In the age…
It is no longer the case at Accesto that we work on projects without Docker. Of course, projects are not born dockerized, someone has to do…
TLDR: As of 2021 - use Linux instead ;-) Update for 2022: Docker on new MacBook with M1 Pro Why is Docker on Mac so slow? Docker on Mac has…
This week I finally hit the delete button. I've been waiting for this moment for the last 3 years. Finally, I erased the legacy part of the…
For me, as probably for every programmer, legacy code is something that I do not want to deal with. It is always not well written, hard to…
Not everyone was a scout in his youth. Most of programmers, however, have probably heard of the Boy Scout Rule in software development. But…
Recently, I was asked to help one team struggling with site performance getting very low. The site response times increased extremely from…
While looking for inspiration to write this post, I ran into a help request on a popular PHP community forum. Some guy wrote a command that…
I want to present you a real story that happened in a project we took over. On this day, Sentry revealed a strange error. The short analysis…
== or ===? How many equal signs to put up so that it is correct and that nobody in the code review has a problem with it? Why is it so…